BOOM at Exhibition Arcam ‘From Gate tot Gate’
The fastest way from A to B is a straight line. This is certainly the case for the landscape between the ‘Haarlem Gate’ in Amsterdam and the ‘Amsterdam Gate’ in Haarlem. The multitude of spheres along this fascinating, straight route of less than twenty kilometers, will be outlined with photographs, films, models and maps in the ARCAM exhibition “From Gate to Gate.”
Part of the exhibition is ‘Strings attached’, a BOOM landscape design for a Metropolitan Park Network from Amsterdam to the coast. The exhibition can be seen until June 1st at ARCAM and will move to ABC Architecture Center in Haarlem.
KickOff: From Amsterdam to Haarlem
Tuesday, May 21st 2013 / 16:00 to 18:30 / followed by drinks / location: ARCAM
Discussion: East Gate, ABC Centre Haarlem
Tuesday, May 28st 2013 / 16:00 to 18:30 / Location: Trade Gate, Haarlem