BOOM at Beijing Design Week
Philomene van der Vliet will be one of the experts developing strategies for a sustainable urbanisation in China. The workshops, ‘Towards 2050’, organised by office Venhoeven CS unites Dutch and Chinese professionals active in the field of urban development with private individuals and government bodies. During a series of workshops, planners, architects, designers, policy-makers and developers will develop scenarios for sustainable urban development. Beijing Design Week 2013 is the platform for the first series of workshops, after which other Chinese cities will follow.
The results of the workshop will be presented at 28 september 2013 at the ‘Gasometer/Tank’. More information at the site of the ‘Creative Industries Fund‘
Members of the Dutch delegation are: ir. Ton Venhoeven (delegation leader), Ton Schaap (expert) Senior urban planner City of Amsterdam, ir. Eric Van der Kooij (expert) Head of the Metropolitan team City of Amsterdam, Boudewijn Alamekinders MSc (expert) founder OKRA landscape architects, dr. ir. Saskia Van Vuren (expert) Flood Risk Management expert HKV Consultants, drs. Vivienne Bolsius (expert) Project manager Amsterdam Smart City, Dr. Diego Sepulveda (expert) Researcher, associate professor Chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy TU Delft, ir. Merten Nefs (expert) Project manager Design & Research Deltametropolis Association, MSc. Marthijn Pool (expert) Founding architect Space and Matter, ir. Bart Reuser (expert) Founder architect Next architects, MLA Philomene van der Vliet (expert) founder BOOM Landscape, MSc. Thijs Van Spaandonk (coördinator) Urban planner VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism.
Towards 2050 is a follow-up of the research project Delhi 2050 in 2011 and 2012, commissioned by Dutch Design Fashion & Architecture, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (IABR). Delhi2050 was a collaborative exploratory exercise that seeked to inform the planning process for the long term future of Delhi in the regional context.