University Campus Chateau Bethlehem
In the basin of the Kanjel, just north of Maastricht, two castles are located as part of the estate zone Maastricht-Meerssen: Castle Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
Castle Bethlehem and its garden are currently in use by the International University of Hospitality Management.
The Kanjelzone is a relatively unknown area with hidden qualities and specific problems with the rural-urban fringe. The area is located at the transition zone from city to country and is about 26 hectares big. The Kanjelzone is fragmented; The area is cluttered, bisected by infrastructure and has many functions and closed paths that are not logically crosslinked with the urban fabric. Therefore the Kanjelzone is difficult to be found
The design for the Kanjel Landscape Park connects the castle garden and estate with its surrounding city-districts, functioning as a stepping stone to the beautiful estate area of Maastricht, accessible to its residents.
Scope of work was to make new connections, disclosing the different park-areas and park-functions and integrate them into the landscape.